Thursday, May 15, 2008

eValid Confirmed Operational on MS Windows XP/SP3

We're pleased to confirm that eValid V8 is fully checked-out on the most-recent version of Microsoft XP/SP3. This kind of confirmation is part part of our regular automated QA process, in which eValid's eV.Manager is used to run a complete library of scripts to make sure everything is as it should be.


Unknown said...

What about on Microsoft Windows Vista/SP1?

eValid said...

Thanks for asking.

We're running eValid with Vista ith no problem, and we have confirmed eValid on IE8 too.

We'll check into the status of the complete test run for Vista and post the outcome here.

eValid said...

eValid V7 was confirmed operational on Vista in August 2005.

We are looking into reconfirmation on the latest SP1 of Vista but we anticipate no problems.

Also, we confirmed IE V8 operation some months ago.

Bottom line: All is well on Vista.