Monday, July 29, 2013

Selected Recent Forum Posts

Here is a selection of some of the posts that we think would be of general interest.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

eValid AJAX Patent Issued By USPTO

On 23 July 2013 the US Patent Office (USPTO) issued USPatent #8,495,585, the fifth patent in the eValid patent portfolio. This patent further beefs up the Intellectual Property (IP) surrounding the eValid product by addressing specific methods of analysis of AJAX applications as they interact with the DOM, and also deals in detail with synchronization of AJAX test playback processes.

In addition to the issued eValid Patents there are three other patents currently being considered by the USPTO that cover additional aspects of the eValid product and the technology used to implement it. An additional five patent applications are in the works.

If you're working in automated web testing you may wish to look into the Business Development (BizDev) Opportunities that are based on eValid technology and its associated IP.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Selected Recent Forum Posts

Here is a selection of some of the posts that we think would be of general interest.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Selected Recent Forum Posts

Here is a selection of some of the posts that we think would be of general interest.