Tuesday, April 15, 2008

eValid Operation with Morfik-Developed AJAX Apps Confirmed

The Morfik WebOS AppsBuilder is a powerful system that creates an AJAX application able to run on any JavaScript browser using libraries and support facilities within the product. Morfik claims that WebOS AppsBuilder applications are Web 2.0 ready right out of the box.

As an illustration of how well eValid handles Morfik app operations, here is an example script description, Testing The Morfik Development Environment. The writeup includes the complete eValid scripts for the Morfik home page -- an application that is developed entirely with their OWN AppsBuilder system. An important feature of this example is that it includes specific AJAX synchronization logic that uses built-in eValid features.

1 comment:

eValid said...

Hey, guys, what about GWT?

Can eValid do GWT as well?