Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Selected Recent Forum Posts

Here are some recent selected forum posts from our eValid forum:

The Cumulative Summary Report Explained -- A valuable report for web application validation.

Does eValid do a DOM search for regular expressions (REs? -- You can put RE's into regular commands.

Monday, May 16, 2022

Former SR Board Member Dr. Robert E. Larson

With sadness we note the passing of Dr. Robert E. Larson, a former member of the Board of Directors of Software Research (SR), on 10 March 2022.

Dr. Larson was CEO of Systems Control, Inc., Palo Alto, CA. He was involved with the IEEE in the analysis of the failure of the Three Mile Island nuclear reactor.

He invited Dr. Miller, SR's CEO, to speak about software verification and validation technology at the IEEE/NRC Working Conference on Advanced Electrotechnology Applications to Nuclear Power Plants, Washington, DC, January 1980.

Dr. Larson was invited to be a member of the Board of Directors of SR in April 1997. He served on the Board from 1997 through 2002.

Dr. Larson was a highly respected technologist and he made significant contributions to SR. 

In particular, he helped steer its product software development effort focus toward automated web testing, an effort that led eventually to the creation of the successful eValid product.

Friday, May 13, 2022

Selected Recent Forum Posts

Here are some recent selected forum posts from our eValid forum:

Help with an input field for XPath -- The key is to use the PageMap feature for find the right sourceIndex value.

The meaning on the eValid return codes during batch mode -- All the facts about the system interface!