Thursday, May 20, 2010

User Forum Posts

Here is a selection of interesting recent queries and responses in the eValid User Forum:

Please Contact Us for additional information about any of these topics.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Scaling Tests To 1,000's of BU's

As the web becomes more and more pervasive, and as AJAX applications become more and more sophisticated, having an application that "scales" well in terms of achieved user performance is becoming a critically important issue. As our tests of the AJAX-based Financial Reporting System illustrated, eValid was able to mount 1,000 "Browser Users" instances, or BU's, each running a LoadTest-safe AJAX playback fully independent of each other. Typically we used 100 BU's per machine.

Because of some recent advances, we're now able to run these same kinds of tests, using Cloud-Based resources, with 1,000 of BU's per machine, with extremely good accuracy and reality. Using ten machines in the Cloud equals 10,000 BU's.

To help introduce these new capabilities we are making a special short-term offer of Across-The-Board Discounts on both our PerformanceTest Services and our Server Loading Bundle

Monday, May 10, 2010

Cloud-Based AJAX Performance Testing

Test Complex AJAX Applications Quickly and Efficiently
Run 1,000's of Browser Users (BU's) Easily and Efficiently
Apply Realistic Loads To Find Real-World Bottlenecks

Wednesday, 19 May 2010
2:00 PM Eastern Time / 11:00 AM Pacific Time

QA/Testing/Performance groups often face the job of qualifying the performance of complex AJAX web applications -- and are expected to do this within severe budget and time constraints. Another major hurdle in validating capacity for an AJAX app is assuring that the performance tests are realistic. The traditional methods of ramping up load, based on HTTP/S simulations, don't always work when asynchronous AJAX applications are involved.

The eValid PerformanceTest solution offers both quick-to-create realistic and fully synchronized AJAX functional tests, and can lift those tests into performance/loading scenarios that can involve 100's or even 1,000's of Browser Users (BUs) per machine.

In this webinar you'll learn how special eValid commands overcome problems with variable-time playback dependency; how to create a full-reality AJAX test quickly; how to adjust it to be totally self-synchronizing under stressed conditions; how to incorporate it in an eValid load test scenario; how to launch 100's or 1,000's of Browser User (BU) instances; and, how to read the consolidated result test performance summary files.

With this approach you'll see how eValid becomes a genuine force amplifier in your company's web application performance testing efforts.

This Webinar Will Discuss:

  • eValid Architecture and Structure: How eValid functional and performance tests work.
  • Functional Testing: How to make live recordings of AJAX applications.
  • Making AJAX Tests LoadTest Safe: How to validate tests for complete synchronization.
  • Creating a Realistic LoadTest Scenario: Using the LoadTest scenario editor to create effective LoadTest control scripts.
  • Running Wide LoadTests: How to launch single and multiple-instance runs "in the cloud".
  • Monitoring and Interpreting Test Results How to read the standard LoadTest reports.

You are cordially invited to attend this free Webinar.


Monday, May 3, 2010

Financial Reporting System Case Study

It always gets interesting when you're doing something truly real! Here's a summary of one of our recently completed PerformanceTest projects:

  • Our goal was to create and run a series of relatively long (3 min to 10 min) AJAX test scripts, applied against a complex financial analysis website, and with ramped load up to 1,000 emulated users (EUs). The purpose was to identify performance issues at high load levels.
  • The nine scripts recorded from life had ~1,000 lines overall. To make certain that they did not de-synchronize due to loads on the server, we added ~200 DOM-based synchronization commands. Most of these were simple SyncOnText commands, but some involved quite complex structural motion sequences followed by SyncOnElementProperty commands.
  • We ramped up the scenario mix at the rate of +10 EUs per minute for 100 minutes until we had 1,000+ running, using a total of 10 machine image "in the cloud". The playback repeat counts were set quite high so at the end of the startup all of the EU's were running in parallel.
  • At the end of the runs the machines had completed a total of ~6,000 playbacks that accounted for ~500 TeraBytes of download!

Many issues of performance and capacity were resolved with the performance data from this run. Here are additional project details: Financial Reporting System 1,000 User Case Study