Friday, January 28, 2022

SR Digitization

As part of our continuing effort to digitize all SR/TestWorks/eValid/QualityWeek and QualityWeek Europe material, we have recently completed finding and scanning all of the old Testing Techniques Newsletter (TTN)...

TTN Consolidated Issue (1977-1994) [281 pages, 186 MB]

Software Quality researchers and practitioners may be interested in the material because it captures very early SR activities in the software quality area -- when the state of technology was very young and rather immature. 

Note that the Winter 1987/1988 issue advertised the very first Quality Week Conference (May 1988, San Francisco), after which the field of "Software Testing and Quality Assurance" became rather more organized.

Monday, January 17, 2022

Selected Recent Forum Posts

Here are some recent selected forum posts from our eValid forum:

How does eValid handle website with Secure Session IDs -- Explanation of "secure zone" switches.

Record saving an image of a website answer -- Test passes if the screens match.

Friday, January 14, 2022

QW/QWE Digitization

Software Quality researchers and practitioners may be interested to know that we have recently completed putting all the material from the early and late QualityWeek/QualityWeek Europe conferences online.   Previously only the last four years of events (1999-2002) were available online.

Here is the link:

QW/QWE Consolidated Conference Material Inventory

As you may note there are still "some missing pieces" but we believe the material is 99% complete.   That page will point to updates and other parts as they are completed.  

Note: The material pointed to in this inventory total some ~8.7 GB of data in ~130+ individual files, mostly PDFs, all of which are fully searchable documents.

Thursday, January 6, 2022

Selected Recent Forum Posts

Here are some recent selected forum posts from our eValid forum:

How eValid deals with whitespaces -- The syntactic tricks that how wo include "whitespace" harmlessly.

Trying to map a website using Query Strings -- Making scans work in a primitive way.