Thursday, December 20, 2018

Selected Recent Forum Posts

Here are some recent selected forum posts from our eValid forum:

Samples of dynamic synchronization working during playback -- Very powerful techniques can be used to maintain test script integrity.
Can eValid be used to monitor user activity? -- This is a hard question regarding intrinsic privacy issues in browser technology.
Make a script that can runs fast then slow down on playback -- Neat run-time [playback time] adjustments of script realism factors are explained.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Facebook Participation Terminated

Like many in the computer science community, we have been concerned for some time about the ethical issues that are raised by Facebook and similar social media websites.

Our commitment to software quality also includes carefully monitoring of, and possibly the avoidance of using, technological methods that could have negative community impacts.

As has become widely publicized in the prior year, Facebook provides a web application product that is implemented with sophisticated web browser technology that permits capture of a great deal of information about users' online behavior.

The technology used by Facebook is based in many ways on the same technology which is used by eValid.

We firmly believe that responsible application of this technology by eValid users in testing and validating websites is completely appropriate and safe, because eValid is used only by computing professionals in strictly controlled and secure circumstances.

Accordingly, to avoid even the appearance of having cooperated with and/or supported possible misuse of the underlying web browser technologies that are used by Facebook, and acting out of abundance of caution, we have terminated feeding any information into our previous company-based Facebook account and we have requested permanent elimination of that account and all data stored therein. 

Friday, November 16, 2018

Selected Recent Forum Posts

Here are some recent selected forum posts from our eValid forum:

Make sure eValid makes a click event on a loaded webpage -- Focus is important in triggering web page events!
How to check for field input during playback test worked -- The synchronization issue for real-time checking can be tricky!

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Remembering Boris Beizer

It is a sad time in the software testing and quality assurance community: we have lost one of the true icons and original thinkers of the entire field. 

Dr. Boris Beizer passed away on 7 October 2018 at the age of 84. 

Boris's two major works, Software Testing Techniques and System Software Testing and Quality Assurance, were the technical underpinning of the majority of the ideas and developments in the software testing and QA field, starting in the early 1980's and continuing to the present. The ideas he emphasized in both books and in his consulting and speaking activities included (but were hardly limited to) structural analysis of software to reveal its properties, automatic analysis of program behavior, and systematic application of rigorous methods of software inspection and dynamic testing. Almost every type of automated program analysis related to testing was foretold in his work. 

Boris was an extraordinarily active participant in the testing community. He attended and spoke frequently at many software testing oriented events, and at conferences often was seen engaged in intense debate with attendees over the pros and cons of a wide range of relevant technologies. His observations and interplay were always direct, very often humorous, never evil-minded, and genuinely respectful. 

We first met Boris in ~1989 and he became a regular participant at the Quality Week and Quality Week Europe (QW/QWE) conferences. After he gave a half-day tutorial at QW/1991 he recommended that we use a Program Committee to shape future QW/QWE technical programs. We followed his advice, beginning with QW/1992, with Boris as one of the charter members of the QW/QWE Program Committee. He served on that committee all the way through QW/2002. His reviews and critiques of proposed papers and presentations were regularly merciless and always very much on point. He kept the QW/QWE programs honest and lively! For him it was always about Quality with a capital Q!

His energy, style, directness, honesty, and dedication will be missed by us all.

-- Edward Miller, Rita Bral

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Selected Recent Forum Posts

Here are some recent selected forum posts from our eValid forum:

Provide the eValid DOM manipulation highlights please -- The full story on DOM manipulation with eValid. 

Need my tests immune to other browsers interfering in test process -- Note about unwanted test system interferences. 

Can eValid collect metric data of webpages -- A standard set of useful performance metric data is built in! 

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Server Maintenance Scheduled

Our ISP has scheduled a maintenance window for the following times. The updates are intended to protect the servers from the Meltdown and Spectre security vulnerabilities.
Thursday Oct. 25th, 10pm - 10am ET Friday Oct. 26th, 10pm - 10am ET
Saturday Oct 27th, 10pm - 10am ET

They assure us that their work will be "...will be executed in a manner that takes advantage of our network's redundancy and resiliency in order to ensure minimal impact on your services..."

Note that eValid Commercial License users should experience no actual interruptions of service; we are informed by our ISP that the "down time" (if any at all) will be measured in seconds -- however long it takes the server to reboot.

Regular users of the company websites should experience no problems other than slight delays in serving pages.

We apologize in advance for any inconvenience. 

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Selected Recent Forum Posts

Here are some recent selected forum posts from our eValid forum:

If eValid does AJAX apps, can I get some information please -- Some general discussions about supporting AJAX testing.

Details on the eValid International Edition -- Testing double-byte character sets is easy with eValid.

Will eValid check wizard find dynamic webpage links -- Details about links on dynamic pages. 

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Selected Recent Forum Posts

Here are some recent selected forum posts from our eValid forum:

Can eValid overcome page header issue during monitoring -- Basic capability for manipulating HTTP/S headers within the eValid structure are explained. 

Does eValid deal with complex login processes -- Automating logins for some types of websites can be very tricky, as this example demonstrates. 

Use eValid to run checks on a search engine results -- Possibly, even, a randomly generated search query: Would it work?

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Selected Recent Forum Posts

Here are some recent selected forum posts from our eValid forum:

Is eValid able to execute a blur event in playback mode -- The technological basis gives eValid capabilities within new DOM manipulation modes.

eValid Scanning Preferences features in more depth -- The spider capability of eValid can be constrained to increase its utility.

Issues with Recording from Life using eValid -- Some of the pros and cons about "recording from live" as a methodology.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Selected Recent Forum Posts

Here are some recent selected forum posts from our eValid forum:

Perform an event during an eValid playback test -- A deep dive into DOM event triggering.

Need to a way to check a batch of tests in parallel -- Suggestions on server loading runs.

Can eValid scripts call upon one another -- Amplifying scripts by invocations.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Selected Recent Forum Posts

Here are some recent selected forum posts from our eValid forum:

Perform an event during an eValid playback test -- A deep dive into DOM event triggering.

Need to a way to check a batch of tests in parallel -- Suggestions on server loading runs.

Can eValid scripts call upon one another -- Amplifying scripts by invocations.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Selected Recent Forum Posts

Here are some recent selected forum posts from our eValid forum:

Functional Tests and move the outputs into a SQL -- Interfacing eValid with SQL database systems.

Recording Mouseover event accurately -- Guidelines for unusual test recordings.

General question on adaptive playback feature -- A key eValid feature explained.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Selected Recent Forum Posts

Here are some recent selected forum posts from our eValid forum:

More insight on strings -- Important notes about string processing in eValid.

Insight in using synchronization method with AJAX apps -- Important notes about AJAX synchronization.

Tips of filtering webpages -- Important notes about site analysis filters

Monday, March 19, 2018

Selected Recent Forum Posts

Here are some recent selected forum posts from our eValid forum:

Help make my test scripts as bulletproof as possible -- Assuring high-reliability in eValid test scripts.

Using eValid to interface with SQL -- How the SQL interface system in eValid operates.

Better understanding on adaptive playback in eValid -- Details on a very powerful eValid capability.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Selected Recent Forum Posts

Here are some recent selected forum posts from our eValid forum:

WebDriver has Fluent Wait; does eValid have an equivalent? -- More about the relationship between eValid and WebDriver.

XPath supported by eValid -- A similar question about XPath equivalent capability in eValid.

What is Restore and Maximize -- Explanation of two key eValid commands.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Server Maintenance Scheduled

Our ISP has scheduled a maintenance window for Saturday, February 17th, from 12:00 AM EST (Midnight) through 06:00 AM that same day.

They assure us that their work will be "...will be executed in a manner that takes advantage of our network's redundancy and resiliency in order to ensure minimal impact on your services..."

Note that eValid Commercial License users should experience no actual interruptions of service; we are informed by our ISP that the "down time" (if any at all) will be measured in seconds -- however long it takes the server to reboot.

Regular users of the company websites should experience no problems other than slight delays in serving pages.

We apologize in advance for any inconvenience.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Selected Recent Forum Posts

Here are some recent selected forum posts from our eValid forum:

Confirming that input fields have been modified -- Build-in commands do this easily.

Switching from one webpage tab to another and back -- eValid tracks windows rather than tabs: it's the same difference.

eValid compared to WebDriver -- An architectural comparison reveals few differences, but eValid was earlier.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Server Repairs Scheduled

You have likely seen in the news two security vulnerabilities that have come to be known as "Meltdown" and "Spectre".

Meltdown and Spectre are both hardware bugs that allow normally secret information to be read by any software that's asking for it.

"Meltdown" breaks isolation between programs and the underlying operating system, while "Spectre" breaks the isolation between running programs.

Our ISP has scheduled a maintenance window for Saturday, January 13th, from 3:00 AM EST to Saturday, January 13th 08:00 AM EST.

During this maintenance the ISP will be "... patching and rebooting our server and the upgrade to our infrastructure will be coordinated to ensure that you experience only a single reboot wherever possible."

Note that eValid Commercial License users should experience no actual interruptions of service; we are informed by our ISP that the "down time" (if any at all) will be measured in seconds -- however long it takes the server to reboot.

Regular users of the company websites should experience no problems other than slight delays in serving pages.

We apologize in advance for any inconvenience.