Monday, July 11, 2016

Selected Recent Forum Posts

Here are some recent selected forum posts from our eValid forum:

Help with a Print function requirement in the test? -- Basic information on handling modal dialogs, including "Print" functions.

Will eValid work on an AJAX App with autocomplete fuction? -- The key idea is to validate partial autocomplete responses direct from the DOM.

Running a Playback with eValid browser mimimized? -- As long as your test doesn't require the desktop, it can run with the browser minimized!

Testing a quirkly login page -- Modern login pages, for security reasons, can be quite difficult to test, but here is an outline of the solution cast in terms of Microsoft Dynamics.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

eValid Server Migration Process Still in Progress

This is a followup update regarding our current server migration/upgrade.

The machines involved are for those which support our website and also provide certain web-support processing facilities, for example, the interactivity that supports eValid Commercial Licenses.

The hosting company, Verio, has assured us of continued uninterrupted access before and after the migration process. 

The migration is expected to be completed before the end of July 2016.

We'll keep you posted on when the migration has been completed.

In case of any difficulty please call the office or send email to